Common Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering is a method that cyber criminals use to trick individuals into revealing confidential information to gain access to systems. Once obtained, that information can be used to carry out actions that could lead to the demise of your organization; a whopping 60% of small companies go out of business within six months of a cyber-attack. Fortunately, knowledge is power.  Here are the most common social engineering attacks to look out for. (more…)

When asked, many small businesses will express concern about cyber security. However, a clear disconnect exist when less than half (49%) allocate any budget toward mitigating their risk. Before an attack can be prevented, a business needs to acknowledge where it stands. Is your business on the right side of these key cyber security statistics? (more…)

You’ve begun making the first steps in ensuring that your place of living is properly covered, but you’ve run into a bit of confusion in the process. Is your housing community a condominium or a townhouse? (more…)

ADA guidelines

A settlement stemming from a lack of gluten-free foods at a Massachusetts university sets a precedent that requires public establishments, such as restaurants, to accommodate the dietary restrictions of those with severe food allergies.


crime insurance

The Board of Directors is charged with helping an association run smoothly and efficiently, but are you prepared when one or more of those members engage in thievery?


flaming beverages

A form of entertainment in many restaurants, flaming beverages liven up the patron experience and is often treated as a bit of a performance in some establishments where food and drinks are cooked and served for all to see.


homesharing and condo insurance

A new way of living is taking root in the housing market. Founded in 2008, Airbnb has ushered in a wave of people leasing and renting short-term lodging to vacationers, college students, etc. Not confined to owners of homes, condominium unit owners and long-term renters of condos are utilizing Airbnb to bank some extra cash, which creates increased liability for both the person who is supposed to be occupying the unit and the association.


new workplace

With a wave of millennial’s entering the workforce, companies have evolved to create a “new workplace” that attracts that demographic of talent. Common perks of the “new workplace” include modern decor, free snacks, unlimited vacation and beer on tap. While great for your employer brand, the reality of these new perks is increased liability risk to your business.


When a major loss happens in a common area, the building itself, or in a shared structural area of the condominium, the financial loss has to be made up somewhere.


A growing trend among patrons these days is having restaurants come to them as opposed to the other way around. Whether you’re primarily an off-premise restaurant or are looking to expand your services to be more competitive in the market, having insurance to protect yourself against possible liabilities is a must regardless of the situation.
